
Upcoming Events

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Past Events:

Heart Centered Communications for the 21st Century
Saturday, 3 March 2018 from 9:30AM to 12:30PM

  • Pause Yoga, 20100 CA-88, Pine Grove, CA
  • $30.00 at the door. Preregistration $25. For more information please call 713-208-4400.
  • This presentation will discuss authentic communications skills, including active listening, deep honest inquiry, and positive conflict resolution to combat the way we were taught to communicate involving “village communication,” “alpha / beta,” and “co-dependent” styles. Our present communication styles were honed by thousands of years of our ancestors trying to make everyone else responsible when communications broke down, we will explore new ways to take 100% responsibility for our 50% portion of every conversation and techniques to insure we, in a non-threatening manner, do not accept other’s attempt to make us also accountable for their 50%!

Speaking and Listening: Authentic Communication in Times of Texts and Memes
Saturday, 31 March 2018 from 2:00 – 4:00PM

  • HWY108 Holistic Wellness & Yoga, 4410 50th St., Lubbock, TX
  • $30.00 at the door. Preregistration $25. For more information please call 713-208-4400.
  • This presentation will discuss authentic relational communications skills tailored to communications between parents and also parents with children from infants through teens. These include active listening, deep honest inquiry, and positive conflict resolution to combat the way we were taught to communicate involving “village communication,” “alpha / beta,” and “co-dependent” styles. Our parenting styles were honed by thousands of years of our ancestors trying to make anyone except ourselves responsible when communications broke down. Notwithstanding our fervent proclamations at 16 that we will never treat our children like our parents treated us, without interventions, we are doomed to repeat those mistakes since it is the only way we know how to parent!

The Disciplined Child: The Obsessive-Compulsive Personality
February 2017, Lake Elsinore, CA

This presentation explored the difference between Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder; the former is an anxiety disorder while the latter is a soothing mechanism. Erroneously called “Anal Retentive,” this workshop will show how children raised in a chaotic family situation tend to survive them by using obsessive-like commitments to order, such as rules, organization, and striving for perfection. Interventions were explained to help the client reconnect to all her feelings; successful therapy must involve those emotions that are most frightening or abhorrent to him, but while keeping the client in a safe environment and the present moment to alleviate any chance of re-traumatization.

Addressing Challenging Behaviors by Children in School.
November 2016, The Redd School, Spring, TX

This presentation discussed an overview of challenging behaviors, offered techniques for identifying some of the reasons children engage in challenging behaviors, and proactive interventions. Human beings are selfish by nature and children have less social tools to draw upon in stressful situations. Further complicating the observed school setting behaviors are issues brought from home. Studies show that children know by three years of age most of the unspoken rules in the home and, usually, the most important rule is to never discuss an issue at home with others! Understanding the function behind the behavior does not necessarily lead to a solution, but may offer additional approaches to mitigate the behavior. Children are always doing the best they can, but that does not help when their best is disrupting the classroom.

Authentic Self-Talk, Relational Somatic Workshop, July 2015, Lake Elsinore, CA.

A workshop that explored how determinism, free will, character styles, influencing who we think we are and the resulting self-talk that can be limiting. Participants learned how to identify their negative self-talk and the resulting “relational masks” we wear to get by in the world. Using awareness skills, Relational Somatic psychotherapeutic skills, and other effective communication techniques, the participants practiced enhancing their authentic self-talk to be their authentic self in relationship with themselves and others.

Embodiment as Compassionate Acceptance, European Association of Body Psychotherapy, Congress of Body Psychotherapy, August 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.

This workshop provided an overview of Relational Somatic Psychotherapy as developed by Robert Hilton, PhD. RSP is an integrated approach to healing conditions of the whole mind–body organism by attempting to understand the psychology behind the presenting issue not only in the mental realm but also the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms, both conscious and unconscious.

Participants learned about important quantitative and qualitative research relevant to Relational Somatic Psychotherapy. The course explored developmental blocks to the psyche, the resulting object relation challenges, and somatic techniques that lead to compassionate acceptance of the issues and their solutions. Participants also engaged in two embodiment exercises.

Positive Communication Skills, Unity Church, Spring 2009, Newport, OR

Twelve weekly, one-hour workshops that enhanced active listening and effective communication skills to use at home and at work.

Parenting with Love and Logic, Olalla Center for Children, Toledo, OR
One – two times yearly, 2007 – 2009

Co-taught the Love and Logic approach to positive changing

Dr. Wade

Dr. Wade is passionate about helping children and adults free themselves from the lingering effects of psychological, emotional, and physical abuse. Now that he is semi-retired, Dr. Wade helps others through his presentations to groups, contribution to a somatic psychology book, and his articles on a wide variety of parenting, developmental issues, forgiveness, and living an authentic, love-filled life!

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As Carl Jung stated: “Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Awaken from the dream of who others think you should be!

“Someday, maybe, there will exist a well-informed, well considered and yet fervent public conviction that the most deadly of all possible sins is the mutilation of a child’s spirit” Erik Erikson