Kind Words

Wade is a unique person. I do not make this statement lightly. I worked closely with Wade for over five years. Together we served emotionally disturbed young children, ages 3 to 15 years of age and their families. We conducted group therapy sessions, individual therapy sessions and family therapy sessions five days a week, seven to nine hours a day. Wade was well known for seeing families in their homes on the weekends if they expressed a need for him.
Wade has a friendly and positive way of seeing things, offering concrete solutions and helping children and parents to find hope, to understand a solution or to practice a new strategy… because he cared for and believed in the possibility of success for those he was working with.

-Ray Burleigh,M.Ed.

Serving special needs families of 43 years.

Wade offers compassionate support combined with solid wisdom and guidance. I have studied and participated In healing-work with Wade for a decade and know what he has to offer is Life-changing.

-Caroline K.

If your looking for an atmosphere where your comfortable to be yourself then look no further. Wade is a great listener who’s not only passionate about your wellness but gives sound advice. He’s simply amazing. As soon as you meet him you will already feel a piece of serenity. Thank you for all that you are Wade!

– Humbled patient, Mindy T.

Dr. Wade is not only a highly qualified coach and communicator, he’s a wonderful father & grandfather as well. Growing up I occasionally got into trouble (wink, wink); dad quickly realized that he didn’t like the parenting style of his mother when growing up and really didn’t like using them on me as well. What started as wanting to work his personal issues, morphed into learning how to better talk with a teenage daughter, and then morphed into learning what caused those issues in the first place.

I’ve always ask my dad for his opinion, his help, even answers to questions that as my father points out, “Just cause I’m your Dad, doesn’t mean I know anything about….” (insert something like medieval art). However, my Dad does know the different reasons why people behave the way that they do. And through the course of his studies, he has also learned how that behavior developed, beginning at birth. These studies have not only be invaluable in his own life, they have been a wonderful resource for me, whether I’m dealing with the ex-business partner, my mother, my spouse, my daughter, or myself.

Susannah W. Cockburn

Dr. Wade

Wade is passionate about helping children and adults free themselves from the lingering effects of psychological, emotional, and physical abuse. Now that he is semi-retired, Dr. Wade helps others through his presentations to groups, contribution to a somatic psychology book, and his articles on a wide variety of parenting, developmental issues, forgiveness, and living an authentic, love-filled life!

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As Carl Jung stated: “Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Awaken from the dream of who others think you should be!

“Someday, maybe, there will exist a well-informed, well considered and yet fervent public conviction that the most deadly of all possible sins is the mutilation of a child’s spirit”  Erik Erikson